Rwanda Youth in Action Organization (RYAO)

Rwanda Youth in Action Organization (RYAO) is a youth led, non- Governmental and not for
profit making organization legally operating in Rwanda since 2016. RYAO was created in
September 2014 by a group of youth themselves and was officially registered in September 2016
with the mission to work towards promoting entrepreneurship and health through providing
young people with the knowledge and skills to help them be healthy and avoid human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV), sexually transmitted diseases (STD), and unintended pregnancy.
The organization also intervene in child protection and empowering youth to use their potentials
to contribute to the socio-economic development of the society and bring a positive change It is
legally operating in Rwanda under the registration number n° 017/RGB/NGO/2016.
RYAO nurtures and empower youth to be the next generation of change makers in order to
contribute to the socio-economic development of their society.
The organization is motivated by its belief that when given space and opportunity of
participation; young people have strengths and power of change towards the better country and
contribute to where citizens will enjoy equal rights without discrimination. It also believes that
the contribution of engaged young people is necessary for a strong community and vibrant